Tag Archives: paving stones

Footling *

So there I was,  footling * along the Riva degli Schiavoni, when I spied this very different paving stone.


An appeal to some of my Venetian friends lead to this plausible explanation:

“Che sembra come il simbolo della Casa di Savoia. Forse è un’incisione fatta pro monarchia durante il periodo del referendum che ci ha resi una repubblica.”

That sounds good to me.

Oh, I guess a translation might be helpful, not that you’re not capable of using Google or Bing to do the tough work.

Basically, “It looks like the symbol of the House of Savoy. Perhaps it is an incision made pro-monarchy during the period of the referendum that has made us a republic”.

Imagine having such strong feelings about the issue that you would sit there for ages, with your chisel and hammer, leaving this message! Nowadays, it’s a can of spray paint, and Bob’s your uncle.

I have footled * along that stretch of the Riva again, to have another look at the stone, but the area was always covered by the ramps set up over the bridges for the marathon.

How many of you can go to look up a word in the dictionary (I mean the real thing that you hold in your hand, with pages and stuff), and go straight to the word you wanted? I can’t, and that’s why I stumbled across footle. I’ve been aching to use it in a post and by George (not Clooney, just a generic George), I’ve done it.

* Footle: to loiter aimlessly.

I bequeath this glorious little word unto you, dear readers. Use it in good health.


Filed under Venice

Your water supply will be interrupted

Repairing broken underground pipes (or other utilities) is not easy in Italian cities.

3rd card 2014 392

3rd card 2014 390

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And, it’s not clean work, either.




It takes team work. In Venice, it’s mainly done without the aid of machines.

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Filed under Florence, Venice

Never leave home without your camera!

This morning, I had to go back to the apartment, because I had been undecided about whether to take the camera, or not. It had been cloudy, but then the sun came out, so I retraced my steps.

Thank goodness I did, or I would have missed capturing this little vignette of life in Venice.


This young fellow was diving for a carton of frozen product within his delivery boat. He found it, and emerged triumphant.

And, I wouldn’t have been able to take a photo of this paving stone, with a mysterious marking.



Filed under Venice