Tag Archives: delivery barge

Never leave home without your camera!

This morning, I had to go back to the apartment, because I had been undecided about whether to take the camera, or not. It had been cloudy, but then the sun came out, so I retraced my steps.

Thank goodness I did, or I would have missed capturing this little vignette of life in Venice.


This young fellow was diving for a carton of frozen product within his delivery boat. He found it, and emerged triumphant.

And, I wouldn’t have been able to take a photo of this paving stone, with a mysterious marking.



Filed under Venice

Traffic jam

This morning, I heard the distinctive sound of the “horn” of the garbage barge in the narrow canal that runs along the front to of the apartment. Then, I heard slightly cranky voices.

When I looked out the window, I could see what was going on. A bulky delivery barge had taken up most of the water space, and the garbage boat couldn’t get through to its usual spot.


The solution: the garbage boat backed  to a wider place on the canal, then the delivery boat backed out, and the garbage boat was able to go forward to the pick-up point.


Filed under Venice