Tag Archives: street vendor

Garnered in a couple of hours

It doesn’t take long to find diverse scenes of street life as you wander around in the historic centre of Naples.

I had never seen a shoe-shine stand in the streets anywhere before.

The music they made was so cheery and energetic.

This reminded me of the street cleaners in Venice, except here the broom heads are made of plastic.

The boredom of a street stall owner, who has seen it all before.

A university graduate in Naples with her mother, aunt and friends. Gina has her degree in Languages (Chinese), and hopes to become an interpreter. Brava, Gina.

Leave the mail under the door. Thanks.

A voice over a loudspeaker brought me to the window, to see a vendor of fruit and vegetables plying his trade on the narrow street. And, he’s driving an Ape!

No digital scales for this fellow.



Filed under Italy