Tag Archives: M’Lord

In which M’Lord provides an interesting list

I’ve been sitting here, in a blogging doldrum, just not inspired by anything in my surrounds. Then, luckily, a curmudgeonly blogger happened to wander into a library and found a shopping list written scrawled on the back of a business card.

Thank you, M’Lord! If you are up to it, toddle along to his blog, to see what he goes on about. M’Lord’s blog 

Herewith the shopping list. 


Now, I can make out some of this, but need help from my discerning readers for the rest.

What is that first item? Pea- ????

Then, fish, tea, bread, yoghurt, eggs, capsicum, bread again, lycra!!! Here’s where my mind went on a tiny detour, thinking this fellow might be one of those MAMILs: “Mamil or MAMIL (an acronym standing for “middleaged man in lycra“) is someone who rides an expensive racing bicycle for leisure, wearing endurance- and performance-enhancing body-hugging jerseys and shorts. The word was reportedly coined by British marketing research firm Mintel in 2010.”


Right, back to reality. What do you think he was buying in lycra?

Then, is that bananas? And then, what the heck? Bank? Bark? 

The business side of the card was an extension of this slight eccentricity, and following some of the clues led me down a few rabbit holes.


Okay CELTA is a Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. So far, quite straightforward, as is NAATI Translator, which you can investigate in your spare time. 

I also invite you to do a search on osmophilology.info, but be warned, the site is not secure, and the “info” is rather obscure.

Finally, who knew that Stinking Bishop is listed as one of the top 10 stinky cheeses in the world! Well, you do now. You can chase up more about this cheese when you have nothing better to do. Hey, has anyone ever actually eaten this cheese? Tell us all about it, please.

Thanks again, Brian. That list on the business card was a darn good find!

I’d better leave you with my grumpy greetings for a Merry Christmas.

Christmas cheer



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