Answer to Travel photo #2

Well, a couple of you clever folks displayed knowledge of what the photo portrayed, and where it might be located.

The plane carcass can be found on Horn Island, one of the Torres Strait Islands, and is a relic of the Second World War.  The Torres Strait Islands are located  at the tip of Cape York Peninsula, Australia’s northernmost point, approximately 17 kilometres off Queensland’s coast and just south of Papua New Guinea. 

Surprisingly few people have heard of the Japanese attack on Darwin which suffered 64 air attacks between February 1942 and November 1943. What is even less known is that Horn Island was the second Australian site to receive the attention of the Japanese when, on  March 14, 1942, Japanese fighter planes targeted Horn Island as part of their campaign to cripple military positions in northern Australia. The Japanese raids on Horn Island in World War II barely rate a mention in Australia’s history books.

Those interested in the role of this island during the Second World War can find a lot information online, on sites such as this one: and information about other attacks on Australia are outlined here:


Filed under travel photos

24 responses to “Answer to Travel photo #2

  1. Thanks very much for this, Yvonne

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So interesting!
    And thanks for the links…I’ll check them out.
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I knew heaps about Darwin, Broome, bombings, submarines in Sydney and Newcastle, etc, etc – but Horn Island had slipped under my radar!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I didn’t know about this.


  5. And here’s me thinking that in fact it was just a snapshot of some downed aeroplane. That’s a fascinating (and frightening) bit of history. I’m starting to think that you’re more than just a pretty face. I also am in awe that you’ve been all the way up there in that place. Truly interesting,Yvonne.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Jane

    I never realized just how close that northern tip is to Papua New Guinea!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Even more surprising would be the knowledge that Japanese and German submarines repeatedly patrolled right around Australia’s coastline. Many people are not aware of just how close the war came to Australia. We were amazed to see a big sign at Pearl Harbour saying “World War Two started here”. Not quite accurate from an international point of view. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  8. When I was up in the Torres Strait a while back I went across from Thursday Island to Horn Island. But I met no one who told what treasures there were. Thanks for that. Because most young people get their history from the movies, many young Aussie have a fairly US Hollywood knowledge of the war.

    Liked by 1 person

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