
Remember a little while ago, I was plagued by geckos and their bad habits?

(See )

Well, I took advice offered by Alida Attenborough and went out to buy some shiny ear rings and a few cheap mobile phones, to use as rewards for any gecko that used the litter box, not my furniture.

I am so pleased to report my first success. Here is Gertie (or George) Gecko, complete with shiny new ear rings and mobile phone. I sure hope she/he passes on the good behaviour to the rest of the troop, or whatever you call a collective of geckos.


Filed under Australia, gecko, toilet train

8 responses to “Success!!

  1. Michelle

    Well, they are his, not mine. Mine are in a drawer…or most of them are. Waiting for Venice in 2012 😉


  2. See. Alida Attenborough, what did I tell you?

    Shh, Michelle, don’t mention the CC words!


  3. Michelle

    It looks very much like the Geico Gecko on TV here…except “he” doesn’t wear earrings. He does have a mobile phone though…and a wallet full of credit cards. And even an Australian accent.


  4. This may be the time I don’t reply to a comment. Sheesh.


  5. Now, Alida Attenborough, have you ever seen an Australian gecko?? With ear rings and a mobile phone?


  6. AliDa

    How come your gecko looks like a frog?


Now let's hear it from you, folks.