Let the sunshine in

The weather on Tuesday took a decided turn for the better.

You are my sunshine

I wandered through many of the Biennale offerings in the Giardini. I really needed a guide to explain the meaning of many of the works. I am sad to say that the Australian pavilion was a personal disappointment.

I did like this  image, it seemed to be saying  “Take that, world!”

But then, there were several persons in red intruding in this shot. I waited, but they never went away.

These stencils appear on many of the bridges on the Riva Degli Schiavoni, and point at the locations of the ubiquitous vendors of illegal knock off products. I hope they (the stencils) will be removed at the conclusion of the Biennale. A faint hope, I fear.

In Dorsoduro, an example of the fragility of the fabric of the buildings. The brick work was as fragile as a spider web. On second thought, a spider web is probably stronger.

Going, going, gone

 And, here’s your pissotta for the day, also from Dorsoduro.


Filed under Venice

10 responses to “Let the sunshine in

  1. julie

    Oh the sun look lovely Yvonne .. so glad that F.O. G has gone 🙂

    love all the pissota (pissoti)



  2. Tell you what, Michelle, I’m not going to follow that person into any dark buildings! Let’s see what the weather holds for us, in the coming days.


  3. Michelle

    Reminds me of the song…”Lady in Red”.
    At least it’s not a shiny red slicker…then you’d have to watch out.
    Thank you for my daily Venice fix. I did notice on the weather map that things were looking better but it looks like you have either rain, clouds or maybe all three coming in for the weekend.


  4. But, every darn time there’s a shot with a reflectin, there she is, bold as brass!

    Little G looks like she’s settled in well. Can’t you make her help with the cleaning??


  5. Hey, quit picking on that person in red! She looks awesome and red suits her.


  6. Oh, thank goodness I’m not the only one, Barb!


  7. Barb

    We visited many of the Biennale venues during our last visit and I took lots of photos. Then I got home, looked at them and said “WHAT was that?


  8. Happy to see sunshine for you! Yes, the Australian exhibition was rather vague – in fact a number of the pedestals were “vacant” when we toured it. The building is quite wonderful, however, and worth the visit regardless of the transient contents! Next, the Arsenale?


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