
I was coasting along in Cedric the Sissy car, when I saw something that brought a big grin to my face.

It was another hot day in the Atherton Tablelands, a day to make you long for cool waters.

These young folks had a stroke of genius, and with some very simple props, made themselves a little oasis on this uncomfortable day. All it took was the tray of the ute (pick-up truck), some tarpaulin and water.

They were most gracious in granting permission to have a photo taken for distribution around the world!




Filed under Atherton

41 responses to “Ingenuity

  1. Compliments for the imagination!!


  2. Brian

    The tray of the ute…. OK, taking notes here for when I go to Aus. I checked out the earlier post about Cedric. I think he’s a classy car. And that post was on my special day when I was able to celebrate my birthday in Italy!


    • I can give you Aussie lessons via Skype, if you’d like that, Bloke. There would be homework involved …

      How absolutely brilliant to spend your birthday in Italy. 🙂


  3. Michelle

    I would have thought that the idea would be to keep water out of a boat.
    21 days 12 hours 22 minutes!


  4. Steven

    Great idea–though the weight of that water may have an adverse effect on gas mileage…

    In terms of adapting it here to Venice, I don’t suppose that would work very well in a boat.


    • They were still using it yesterday, and had attracted a larger flock of hot bodies, Steven! The ute and its pool were not there this morning.

      Well, you could haul a boat onto the calle in front of your building and use it there, I suppose. That would solve the problem of the difficulty of finding a mooring spot. In the winter, the water could freeze and you’d have a mini-skating rink. Nah, that doesn’t sound like a good idea, at all.


  5. Sono D. Chicago

    Isn’t the writer of this blog also nearing the double-digit mark for days left til they return to Venice?

    At least some of your young friends seem a little over-dressed for the occasion.
    Also: a photo of Cedric the Sissy car, please!


    • Ha!! Sono, FS of mine, I was just thinking that very thing (the digit stuff) this morning. Are we not joined at the hip? (Don’t even think of answering that one.)

      People over here tend to cover up for protection from the sun; we have a very high incidence of Vitamin D deficiency, for crying out loud.

      Cedric, Cedric, Cedric, bane of my life. Here is a post featuring this big wimp:


  6. Caroline

    Hm, now there’s an idea to improvise around next summer on the altana (if we’re still in the same flat)! The friends we visited in Le Marche had a blow-up paddling pool & it was surprisingly refreshing & relaxing to lie in, under the trees, but we weren’t sure about the weight of one of those on the roof.

    Grey, rainy & acqua alta level 3 today; but still only needing a jacket, not a coat!


    • I wondered how the marathon runners made out yesterday. They probably didn’t suffer from heat exhaustion, anyhow, Caroline.

      I’ll be happy to assist you in the engineering examination of the altana!


      • Caroline

        It sounds like c.7,000 of c.8,000 starters actually finished. There was rather a sad picture in ‘La Nuova’ of a disabled athlete in a handbike, grimly ploughing through the water. Apparently as well as being close to the full moon & having had torrential rain for hours, yesterday we had both a scirocco & a bora – not sure how that works!

        Oh, I do hope we’ll be able to welcome you to the altana!


  7. SusieQ, I can just see you and Mark in a pickup truck! Yes, they were such cute and nice kids.

    That storm sounds like a nightmare come true, Susie.


  8. Cute kids and very clever. Mark and I have a pickup truck, but we have had cool summers for the last couple of years. Yay!

    Worried about this Frankenstorm for our East coast friends, especially Linda.


  9. Ciao, Barb. That storm looks like a monster. We’ll sure be thinking of you, and hope it takes a turn for the east and peters out.


  10. Barb

    Wish I had some of that hot weather! Here in the northeast we’re getting prepared for what could be another powerful storm. 😦


  11. JoanneH

    Great idea for around here when it often is over 100+


    • Joanne, you’d have to throw in some ice, or you’d soon have a hot tub!


      • JoanneH

        well on year we had 69 days in a row over 105 with a couple of 110-115’s tossed in wish I had thought of the truck tub then…………the past year only had about 20-25 days in the 100+ in a row.


      • Joanne, you are describing my idea of hell. 😉


        • JoanneH

          Folks say about this place Los Banos (the bathroom)” its a place to pass through hopefully at night”. When I was young people in the city ( San Francisco) use to joke about it all the time………hot as hell in summer and you can’t see your hand in front of your face in winter due to tule fogs.


      • We’re lucky to never have any acqua alta in our corner of Venice, though it was higher around here than we’ve noticed it before (in our 2 years here).


    • Los Banos! I know it, as I grew up in Modesto. Odd to meet a neighbor through an Australian-based blog about Venice, Italy!
      And it won’t be long till the tule fog returns to the Valley with the winter–as fog will also return to Venice, Italy. In fact, we already had a taste of it last week.


      • Good morning, Siggie! It’s quite amazing, this crossing of paths, all around the globe, through the wonders of the internet. And you and Joanne have to explain what makes a ‘tule’ fog special, please.

        Have you been affected by the recent bouts of acqua alta, in your special corner of Venice?


      • JoanneH

        The world is a small place. 95 out of a 100 times when asked where I live I do say Los Banos (I work there) because its actually larger than were I do live which is Dos Palos and no one but die hard valley folks ever heard of it. Are you still in Modesto? Looking forward to next year and Venice yet again I need a spritz fix!


      • Sig. Nonloso re: no acqua alta: that’s another good thing about living in that scary part of Venice, eh? 🙂


    • I haven’t lived in Modesto since leaving for college. For the last two years I’ve been living with my family in Venezia (for many year before that, NYC).


      • JoanneH

        Lucky you! Modesto is now a zoo lots of BAT’s (BayAreaTranspants) moved there when the house boom came its like a mini San Jose now.


  12. First snow of the season expected Tuesday. I wouldn’t mind a little heat sent this way.


  13. jan Graham

    It’s biting cold here could do with some of your Sun,


  14. Memories of summer….probably 1986…..the last time I had a summer that needed something like that.
    Very cool and rainy here.
    22 days, 22 hours….will be cool and rainy there too but like Andrew I won’t care either.


  15. Andrew

    It’s 6 degrees here and windchill makes it feel like 3. Brrrr. 3 weeks today and we’re in you know where. That’ll be cold too but I won’t care then!


  16. Hi, Linda. They were such nice young folks, too! I wouldn’t have minded dangling my hot feet in their water for a while.

    How many days to wait now? Is that storm a worry for you?


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