Tag Archives: metro

Random art in the Toledo metro, Naples

It was fun to see what you might discover, each time you descended the escalators to catch a metro train. How in heck did they get these full size artistic vehicles down into the bowels of Naples? And, why?



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Overheard while waiting for a metro in Naples

Sardine number one: “No way am I getting on this metro.”

Sardine number two: “But, why not?”

Sardine number one: “Well, just look at them. They’re packed in there like humans in a can.”



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Dear Barb

In anticipation of your visit, and not wanting to appear a total klutz when we head to the hydrofoil to go visit Karen and Mike in their new home, I decided to do a little trial run of getting to the correct place at the harbour. All I can say is “Such fun I had!”

I had read online all about getting there by tram, it sounded ever so simple. (When will I ever learn?) I walked to Piazza Garibaldi where I “knew” I’d be able to buy tickets and catch Tram 1. I finally found the tram lines and saw a sign that said “Fermata provvisoria”. I gave myself a pat on the back for being able to translate that to “Temporary stop”. Barb will be so impressed, I thought. I waited. And waited. And waited. Finally, I went into the train station, found the Tourist Information folks and asked them where I could find that darn tram. An indulgent laugh emitted from the young lady. She said “Signora, there USED to be a tram.” Now, I had the choice of a bus or the metro. So, Barb, you’re going to just love riding the metro, I promise!  Or, even if you don’t, my strong advice to you is to grit your teeth and say nothing. 

A person could get lost in this train station!

The progress I was making did feel snail-like

Barb, the metro station is about 4 floors below ground level. Are you okay with that?

My first view of Mount Vesuvius, in the early morning haze.

Just a few images from the waterfront. We can take a rowboat ride, if you want to.

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This shy fellow volunteered to have his photo taken, and was happy to be seen on my blog. Thanks, Francesco.

We can go here, if that is your wish, Barb.

I probably looked a bit like this when my mission was accomplished. Very pleased, indeed. 

So, don’t say you haven’t been warned, and don’t complain when I get us lost a few times!


Filed under Italy