It seems that spring has sprung!






Filed under Atherton, Australia

34 responses to “It seems that spring has sprung!

  1. Liz

    I love flowers. Is this Allamanda? (yellow Oleander?) The photos are awesome!


    • They could be a species of Allamanda, Liz.

      I noticed the blossoms are now gone. Maybe one day when I walk past the house, I’ll knock on the door and ask what they are.


  2. Caroline

    I thought they were hibiscus! Now I look more closely, though, I see the edge curls back somewhat, & they maybe look more waxy. Just how big are they?!

    Still nice in the sun in the middle of the day here, but I need a cardi in the morning & late afternoon & just this week it’s got too chilly to eat dinner outside.

    Need to look up if I can do anything with my balcony plants over the winter – maybe wrap them in fleece as the Venetians seem to? I thought I wasn’t going to get any more flowers and my bougainvillea is dropping them steadily, but one of my hibiscus has just produced one more, surely the last.


    • My hibiscus here is blooming again too, Caroline. Mine’s yellow with red center. I had thought it was done.
      But it won’t be for much longer. Will you have cyclamen on your balcony or in window boxes like every other Venetian?
      I was inspired and have some here….and they bloom in winter….just like Venice.


    • The blossom is about as big across as my open hand, Caroline. Very flamboyant! The flower, not my hand. 🙂

      Your balcony must look very pretty during the summer, I hope you find a way of conserving those plants. Is Mimi venturing outside now?



  3. In Spain it is a warming 20C+ by day but last night only 7C. The contrast pleases me. So unlike home. The flowers are gorgeous. I miss a temperate climate.


  4. joanneh

    Lucky you two springs a year


  5. They do remind me of something Georgia O’Keeffe (one of my favorite artists) would have painted. In the desert south west of the US.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Barb

    Those flowers are a beautiful start to your spring season. We still have a few hardy begonias and geraniums that are hanging around but the leaves are beginning to change color. By the time I get back from Venice many of the trees will be bare. Maybe I just need to delay my return……perhaps until late May! 🙂


  7. Spring has sprung and spotted here as well. Tulips and throngs of people peering down during the tulip festival here in Bowral bowels. i


  8. Melissa

    Hi Yvonne,

    Hope you are well! Been so busy and haven’t had a chance to catch up on your blog. I suppose you will be back to Venice soon?

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s so good to hear that you’re keeping busy!

      Thanks for the link, that does look like the mystery blossoms.

      I’ll be heading to Florence (and Venice) on the first day of autumn!


      • Pam D

        Have been reading your bloggs but not replied recently hope your trip to Florence & Venice are great. We head back arrive for newyear eve for 8 nights then to Rome. Arsanale will be home this time . Already getting out the winter woolies. Can’t wait Venice very additive. We get off the beaten track .


  9. Lovely pics. Interesting flowers.
    Fall has well, fallen… Very wet, we’re paying for those dry times this summer with 45 days of 80 degrees and above….very unusual here where it usually rains at least once a week in the summer and hardly gets over 75. Is this global warming?
    Anyway your spring looks lovely.


    • I’m hoping some green thumb will come along and identify those monsters!

      It’s mighty dry here. The last few summers have been strange, no tropical downpours to speak of. Let’s see what this year brings.


      • I meant to ask what they were. Does look like some kind of lily. Or are they on vine?
        Is that on your property? Volunteer? But it does look like they were planted on purpose.
        It was pretty dry here till yesterday too.


      • Yes, they’re on a vine, and belong to a home a couple of blocks away. Melissa has identified them. The link calls them ” Large Yellow Trumpet Flower”. Heck, I could have told them that! The site has tags: tropical flowers, flowers of Hawaii. Hey, what about Australia?


Now let's hear it from you, folks.