It seems that I am in Venice!

Ciao a tutti!  It’s nice to be back in Venice, but I must admit the flight(s) seemed to go on forever.

Enough whining. The views of the Alps at sunrise, between Zurich and Venice, are something to make your day start with a smile.



And, for any architects in the audience (or those interested in an example of how some of  the buildings in Venice were constructed), this little scrap of history, not far from Campo San Luca. I really like those small, thin bricks.





Filed under Venice

45 responses to “It seems that I am in Venice!

  1. Didn’t mean to put you under any pressure, dear Yvonne.
    I know you’ll keep me posted, as you prowl around the city :).
    No going out for me this evening, enjoying being at home
    Ciao, ciao and looking forward to hearing about the midnight hour in Venice. 2014’s gotta be a good year,


  2. Hi Yvonne 😀 I know the truth. Stock photos !! You really travelled on a magic carpet 😉 Welcome to Venice and a fantastic New Year my friend. Hugs. Ralph xox 😀


    • Darn it Ralph, that was our little secret. There’s a huge crowd in Piazza San Marco, but I’m not part of it. I’ll find some stock photos tomorrow, I suppose.

      A most happy, healthy 2014 to you, mystery friend. Pop!!! There goes another cork. Baci e abbracci, to you and those cats. xoxoxo 🙂


  3. Rob C

    Hi Yvonne,
    So, you’re there, and We’re not, hmmm that’s not right 🙂
    I took a pic of those very bricks last week, it appears you’re stalking me !!

    Have a wonderful time.


    • Rob, we really need to co-ordinate our comings and goings better.

      I wondered why I was strangely drawn to that wall, now I know it was your lingering aura. (And, Linda’s)

      Buon Anno, con Prosecco! Wheeeee ….


  4. You’re just going to return when the apartment is occupied with Randallo & Silkie.


  5. The pictures of the Alps are stunning!!


  6. Have a wonderful stay, Yvonne! I hope the time passes slowly, so you can savor and enjoy every day to the fullest. Hugs to Barb & Julie when you see them! And to Michelle, too!


  7. Mindy

    Looking forward to following along with you in magical Venezia. I agree; there’s something so inspiring as you fly across the Alps…you know that soon you will be in the city of your dreams! Cin cin and Felice Anno Nuovo!


  8. Jane P

    Absolutely stunning! Soon! Soon!


  9. julie

    Yay ! you’ve arrived ! Looking forward to keeping up with your blog, what a wonderful start to the new year for you.
    Whose looking after the cat ? I’ve been cat watching my friends cat Jasmine while she’s been in Oz xxx


  10. What a great way to celebrate the New Year!!
    Enjoy every second : )
    Will you still be there in May?


  11. Wow, spectacular views, all those sunbathed, snow-covered mountains. M can give you my news. Have a wonderful time, also to Mary K.
    Ciao, ciao from Vienna


  12. MaryK

    Glad you’re there, and that you had such a spectacular last leg to the flights….. it doesn’t really make the previous 24 hours or so go away – but it’s a spectacular view!
    I’m counting down now – 25 hours and 50 minutes until I leave for the airport……….


  13. Welcome home! Had a similar view of the Alps coming from Amsterdam. Later in the morning though.
    Looking forward to ringing in the New Year with you.


  14. Great photos from the plane! I’ve tried taking photos through the plane windows and they sure didn’t turn out as nice as these.


  15. Welcome home! Excellent photos as always. Hope your cats are fine. I realize they probably couldn’t make the trip with you. I’ve just returned from Arizona and mine won’t let me out of their sight.


    • Hi, Arthur. Its rather nice to be back here again. It’s interesting, each time a person returns, it seems like you’re seeing things with fresh eyes, which is a neat experience. Give those cats a pat from me. My cat (and her teen-aged son who lives next door), seem to be coping without me. Hmph. 🙂


  16. I am envious! Have a wonderful trip and I look forward to hearing more!


  17. The Alps from the air…breathtaking!
    OMG…I’ve photographed that wall a dozen times…one of my favorites!!


  18. Cate

    Wow…they’re some awe inspiring photos Yvonne. Thanks


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