A street shrine

You don’t walk very far in Venice, or the lagoon islands, without seeing street shrines.

This is one I particularly liked.

A good blog to read, if you are interested in knowing more about some of the shrines and capitelli in Venice is  http://www.slowtrav.com/blog/annienc/


Filed under Venice

19 responses to “A street shrine

  1. Caroline

    We walked past this yesterday & I recognised it from your blog, Yvonne!


  2. Bert

    Did you know that ‘tonto’ meant dull, silly, or stupid in Italian (and Spanish)?
    Tonto was played by Jay Silverheels in the TV series. He was born Harold J. Smith – isn’t that disappointing? The Lone Ranger was the best thing on TV in the late 50s.
    Definition of an intellectual: Someone who can hear the William Tell Overture without thinking of the Lone Ranger.
    The only information in my head is what I learned before I was 11. Everything else comes off the interweb.


  3. Yvonne

    Still posting, fantastic!
    Bert, here I thought you had all you info in your head! 🙂
    Yvonne I hope you are weathering your Venice withdrawl ok.


    • Hello, Other Yvonne. Once the weather cools down in my neck of the woods, I’ll be a bit happier! Is spring showing any signs of poking its nose out, in your area?


      • Yvonne

        Oh, you know, Southern Alberta.
        One minute that, next minute ….this?
        Easy, dry winter….probably hot dry summer.
        Hope your cooler-happier soon.


  4. Rob C

    Bert you cheat 🙂

    Lovely photo.



  5. Bert

    Of course I’m right, annie! I got the answer from your blog! Ooops – I wasn’t going to say how I did it.


  6. Bert is right! I love that shrine too, and this is a lovely photo of it.


  7. Thanks, Bert-o. (Who is that strange masked man?)


  8. Bert

    Bert, the Lone Ranger, to the rescue!
    Dorsoduro 35, Calle del Squero.
    I cheated, but I’m not saying how!
    Hi-yo, Silver, awaaaayyyy!


  9. Susie, I didn’t make note of where you can find that shrine. Mi dispiace!


  10. Susie L

    How lovely. I can see why you enjoy it. Where is it?

    I love Annie’s blog! I need to post comments on her blog!


Now let's hear it from you, folks.