A boy and a dog

There are two nice young men living next door to me. Mark loves to garden, Dan loves football and works a couple of days a week in a local hardware store. They have Community Services carers with them each day, to assist  them with their daily activities.

I happened to look out my kitchen window and saw a scene that warmed my heart. Mark was fooling around with a lovely Border Collie, kicking a rapidly deflating ball for the energetic dog to retrieve.

Which one is having most fun?


It was then I noticed that his right hand rear leg was missing. This surely did not slow him down.

Mark said the dog had just wandered into their yard. There is no collar, nor sign of a chip. They’re still out there, fooling around, as boys and dogs were meant to do.


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10 responses to “A boy and a dog

  1. djones47

    Wow, I never noticed the missing leg and wouldn’t have it you hadn’t mentioned it. Looks like all were having fun.


  2. Michelle

    A good start to mine also.
    That lovely dog seems to have found a kindred spirit.


  3. jeff

    Nice story. I plan to “semi-retire” in a couple of years, moving out to a small town where the cost of living is much lower. I want to have a regular house with a yard….and a DOG!! I grew up with a dog, and miss that sort of companionship.


  4. Barb

    It’s early Sunday morning here and reading about your neighbors really touched my heart in a lovely, peaceful way. It’s a good start to the week.
    Thank you!


  5. It does, on so many levels, Shell. 🙂


  6. That is a beautiful sight. Keeps things in perspective, doesn’t it. Simple joys.


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