Another Italian lesson

Thank you to Pat for sharing this cartoon with me. (The original image is from Wildcat Sanctuary.)

I thought it made a nice closure to the previous post:  Another learning curve

Please practice the Italian translations I have provided.

Elephant stamps will be awarded. 




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42 responses to “Another Italian lesson

  1. Liz

    Thanks for teaching me some Italian. I’m not sure I pronounced everything okay but it was fun!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hahaha! Molto vero! :’)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. as the owner of two cats, it matters not the translation—their actions are universal..
    Yvonne– I am sad—I fear my friend Pecora Nera has banned me from his world. I just read his latest posting on making his popsicles and I added my commented that he should add amaretto to the apricots for Mrs. S’s popsicles as amaretto, an Italian liqueur we know, uses not almonds as it is typically believed but rather apricot pits—making it a perfect pairing…
    I fear he has banned me as he knows I was pro brevet—alas—-


    • Let me go and see the post (I haven’t read it yet). I can’t imagine him banning you!


      • I’ll bet you’re in his junk drawer!


      • thanks Yvonne–I suppose I shouldn’t be so bothered by it all but I have greatly enjoyed PN’s posts and the camaraderie–he is the bright spot on those days I read his posts as he always can make me smile–despite my often scolding of his irreverent ways…
        and oh how I hate auto correct—that should have read brexit —
        You know I’ve always got to get my Italian fix as it has been too long since my last visit there—8 years…
        I’ll just have to depend upon you and your upcoming adventure to provide me my fill of all things Italian 🙂
        ciao ciao bella


        • If you want, I’ll mention you in a comment again, and ask him to look in the junk folder. Please let me know if that’s OK with you.

          My next trip to Italy is in March, and will be mainly in Naples, which looks like a fertile city to explore. Ciao, con abbracci, bella.

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          • that’s perfectly fine Yvonne–but cookie is but a blip on the radar of Pecora Nera
            Peter — his antics and life as an expat are often hilarious–the way life is going here in the US, I’m eyeing Ireland in order to merely blend in with the sheep and the sea 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

  4. Is that cat being catty?! 😉 😀
    Buona lezione italiana!
    HUGS from an optimist!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Great cartoon Yvonne, so funny and true ….. thus saith my cats 😉 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Andante

    Our cats greatly approved of the cartoon – but swore it wasn’t them, and there was nothing left in the glass in any case – and no-one in their right mind would leave a glass on a silly place like a table when everyone knows they’re for cats to sit on….
    …. In short, couldn’t improve on that cartoon!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ha! A cat with a deadpan sense of humor.

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  8. The cat is only telling half the story!

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  9. Half full or half empty depends very much on the contents. I reckon the cat knows more about it.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Susie L

    That was a fun Italian lesson! Grazie Y!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. And, once again, the cat wins!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. The last one made me laugh – that cat could very well be mine. I thought it was only over indulged Kiwi cats that behaved like that! ‘Il bicchiere e mezzo pieno’ for me! [E mi scusi, I don’t know how to add in the accent marks for the spelling]

    Liked by 1 person

    • Brava per la bicchiere mezzo pieno. 🙂

      Where’s that darn Bruce Almighty? I miss him.

      On Grand Designs last evening, it was a deer farming fellow from the southern tip of NZ. He built a ripper house!


  13. Jane

    Will the elephant stamp? Translation please!


  14. anglogermantranslations

    Drinking with such a short trunk might prove difficult… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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