I would like to thank my mother …..

I have been nominated for the Shine On Award by  Marsha Lee. 


You can find her blog here: http://tchistorygal.com/

      history gal

So, the rules I have to follow in accepting this award are:

  1. Display the award logo on your blog page.  Right, done!
  2. Link back to the awesome person who nominated you.  Tick, you can see this awesome person above.
  3. Tell seven things about yourself. Give me some time to make up  think of these 7 things.
  4. Nominate 10 other bloggers who are deserving of this award.

OK,  7 extremely exciting things about me. Pity I’m limited to 7, isn’t it?

1. I was born

2. The coldest temperature I’ve experienced was -57 degrees, in northern Canada

3. I’d rather drink red wine than milk

4. Sometimes, I sing for no reason at all. Sometimes I don’t

5. I can’t swim, but I can walk, talk and chew gum at the same time

6. I have 2 twins. Both are younger than me

7. I’ve never done sky diving, nor piloted a plane. I just know I’d be brilliant at both

Now, about the other nominations. I know from previous experience with this, that many of the recipients are loath to abide by the rules of this form of recognition, and I can appreciate their feelings. After all, not everyone is an exhibitionist like the person who is sitting in my chair. And, I hate to choose only 10 from the many bloggers I admire so much. It’s kind of like “Pick me, pick me”, which some of us might remember from school days.

So, what I would like you to do is to click on some of the links you will find in my Blogroll, if you haven’t already done so in the past. You may find some pleasant surprises in this group of writers who offer their time, their passions …

I follow many other blogs that aren’t listed here; I have the luxury of them being delivered straight into my email inbox.

A few years ago, the concept of blogging seemed something far beyond my capabilities to do. Then, an online search lead me to WordPress (and to Blogger, which many people use). These are both free for the “economy” plan, which suits most of us very well. If you’ve ever wondered about becoming one of these brilliant bloggers, give it a try, it costs nothing but some of your time and creativity! And, be sure to let me know, so I can see what you’re doing.

Now, is there some Prosecco at this award ceremony?


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14 responses to “I would like to thank my mother …..

  1. Congratulations!!! I’m not the only one who loves your blog… 😉


  2. I love your 7 wonderful things. I am proud to be your mother, as well. And it’s very nice to know I have twin grandchildren who are younger than you are. Whew! That really made my day! Have a great weekend, Ytaba36. 🙂 lots of love, Mom 🙂


    • Oh dear, I’ve lead you astray it seems! You are much too young to be my mother, Marsha, but you could become one of my twins, perhaps!

      I was alluding to my real mother in my acceptance speech (kinda like the Oscars), and my twins are 2 women (of disparate ages, but still younger than me). Confusing, but that’s life.

      Cheers, Yvonne.


  3. Yes, my friend my life will soon be altered…for the better I’m sure.


  4. Barb

    How exciting to get such special recognition! Your loyal followers are not surprised. Are there plans for you to hold a special celebration? If so, I will try to make sure I am in the vicinity.


  5. I’m enjoying this red carpet so much!!!

    Hey, get back to sleep, woman.


    • Trying to but coughing (came down with the dreaded summer cold) is keeping me awake. Ugh, only three hours till I have to be getting ready for work. Turning off the computer now!
      Oh, turned in my official resignation/retirement letter yesterday. It’s official!


  6. Simply brilliant! You are indeed shining on.
    Have a glass of Prosecco for me.


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