Like little cat feet

Just as Carl Sandburg said, the fog stole silently in, while were sleeping. But, unlike the rest of his poem, it isn’t likely to move on for some days.

The fog brought a particular feel to the city, still and cold. Everyone moved more quickly, with noses and ears bundled into scarves and caps, and hands jammed into pockets or encased in gloves.

Waiting for the number 1 to take me from San Marco to Sant' Elena

It was very nice to have this translated into English, for those of us who  continue to comprehend Italian slowly.

The vaporetti had their radar working full tilt, visibility was very limited.

This might not have been a day when we paid much heed to this:



Filed under Venice

14 responses to “Like little cat feet

  1. julie

    ooohhh FOG .. lovely pictures Yvonne … as you know I have a dread of that stuff in Venice LOL !!!


  2. After living in Shanghai in the past years (which looks foggy but actually is smoggy 😉 I am kind of used to a foggy looking world. I love how real fog gives a different feel though, it somehow is mysterious (though a tad unpractical!). Love the first photo!


  3. I liked your cheery farewell to the repairman! I’m sure he did, too. 🙂 I’ve been waiting since before Christmas for a (minor) repair to be done, and there was no fog then. Heaven knows what would happen if it was a major thing.

    Fog really has a feeling all its own, doesn’t it? I’m hoping there is some snow again while I’m here, it does feel plenty cold enough for that. But, this still beats the heat of summer, hands down. (The hands may be blue with cold!) Ciao, bella.


  4. Barb

    Our area of the Connecticut shoreline was blanketed by very heavy fog last night. It may have crept in on little cat feet but it was loudly announced to me by the booming, complaining voice of the furnace repairman that I had to call at 8 p.m. when I suddenly had no heat. He was definitely not happy that he had to be out on our windy country road and he greeted me with “could have been killed out there!” My guilt was quickly overcome by
    my shivering body as the thermostat plummeted. When he finally was leaving, I waved and said “Be careful. Watch out for the deer!” Now I am
    thinking of the same scenario happening in Venice…..freezing temperatures,
    no heat, heavy fog, could the repairman and his boat navigate the canals? It
    is indeed, a whole different world!

    I loved the fog pictures. They really made me feel like I was right there in that very spooky, romantic, almost a movie-set atmosphere .


  5. Are you missing the city of wonders?? Not much, I guess. 🙂


    • Rob C

      Oh, I am, but for some reason my six little numbers don’t seem to be matching up 😦 So I’ll just have to wait until Christmas once again!

      We’re thinking of Dosoduro this time instead of Guidecca, so any suggestions for a nice warm flat with a decent internet connect would be gratefully received.



      • Rob, I’m sort of looking for the same thing! The folks from whom I’m renting this time haven’t answered the email my agent sent, I guess they’re uncertain about next year. [It can’t be me, I’m such a model tenant! 🙂 ] But, if I hear of one or two, I’ll keep you in mind, for sure. Hmm, I’ll ask my friend, Barb who often stays at one in Dorsoduro.


  6. Rob C

    It’s good to see that ACTV have started putting the notices up in English with an international number to call, previously it just had the direct dial local number, which is fine until you’re a tourist that has to remember what the International code is, drop the first 0 etc etc!

    +10 points

    The Grand Canal in the Fog is fantastic, spooky but fun 😉


  7. Does a lot of your public transport stop, also, Michelle? Your city just doesn’t expect, hence no doubt doesn’t have the equipment to cope with, a lot of snow and ice.

    Today, the fog is less intense, you can see across the Grand Canal again.


  8. Michelle

    Fog is a totally different experience in any area but especially Venice.
    I’m home today due to snow…about four inches (not much for people who get a lot but crippling here in Seattle) and still snowing…high today will be below freezing.
    A good day for sorting through more boxes.
    Looking forward to more lovely fog pics my friend.


  9. Hi, Al

    It’s something we just don’t experience on the same scale, in Queensland. Most people don’t seem to mind it, unless the vaporetti and other water transport can’t run at all.

    Are we going to avoid cyclones this summer?


  10. Al

    That fog must make Venice feel very damp and sombre, but a wonderful atmosphere at the same time.


Now let's hear it from you, folks.