Santa Marta, 2054

This comment a couple of days ago piqued my curiosity, especially after I watched and listened to the Youtube video that Andrew mentioned.


If you want to hear one of those really annoying ‘Can’t get it out of my head songs’, go on Youtube and find Santamarta Ska-j. It’s about one address in Venice and I love it but wake up humming it. Notice the numbers in Venessian.

So this afternoon, I hied me to the Santa Marta area, which is in the western part of Venice, and chased down the house number mentioned in the song. And, I found it!!!



And, here is the link to the video:


Filed under Santa Marta

5 responses to “Santa Marta, 2054

  1. Michelle

    Okay, I’m in love….Jamaica and Venice.
    And he’s nice to old ladies lugging their suitcases over bridges. I’ll email you the link to that one if you didn’t watch.
    So? Are you sending him a postcard?


  2. Michelle

    Yvonne, would you send or post the link to the song??
    A modern but lovely door. You know the “thing” I have for doors.


    • Michelle, go to Youtube and find Santamarta Ska-j, as Andrew said in his comment. Santa Marta is on the south-western rim of Venice, there’s a vaporetto stop called Santa Marta, in fact.


  3. Andrew

    I was going to suggest you find it but thought it might be a bit of an imposition as that area is not the loveliest. Well done Miss Marple!. The singer’s name is Furio I think. Are you still singing it?


    • Hah! Andrew, throw down those challenges for me. It was fun to see if there really was such a number in Santa Marta. Now, may I have a job with you, leading those English tourists into strange places? Please. 🙂


Now let's hear it from you, folks.