’twas on Pellestrina

When I headed back from a jaunt to Chioggia, I decided to get off at Pellestrina and walk for a while, rather than immediately hopping on the bus that would take me back to the Lido.

Part of the way, I walked on the sea-wall, and then I climbed down from there to walk toward the lagoon to see what I’d find there.

A little historical note: the first stones of the murazzi (sea walls) were laid in 1744. Their purpose was to form a protective barrier for Venice, from the waters of the Adriatic. 

Was this fellow harvesting dinner for that evening?

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Were these lads skipping school? It was a nice day to do that.

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I admired the shape of these windows, and the custom designed shutter on the first one.



There are some churches to be found in Pellestrina, including S. Demetria.

The interior of Chiesa S Demetria

The interior of Chiesa S Demetria

And, here is the Saint herself

This temple was unfortunately not open. It looked interesting.

The Tempio dell' Apparizione

The Tempio dell’ Apparizione

This looked intriguing, but I had to leave it for next time. It must be another church, but I don’t know its name.

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Someone was airing their comforter in the window, next to that elegant chimney. (Well, I think it was a comforter. Now, it looks like a trussed up body! Maybe I walked past a crime scene!)

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And, another water tower.

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 Pellestrina is another example of a location with quite a lot to offer, if you have the time and can wander around a while. The buses to and from the Lido arrive about every half hour, so you can time your detour accordingly. Have fun exploring!


Filed under Venice

9 responses to “’twas on Pellestrina

  1. Lynda

    And Darlene’s going to write a book about that body!


  2. Hi, all. I’ve been out of town for a few days. Thanks for your comments.

    Winckelmann and Michelle, I hope you get to Chioggia and the interesting places in between.


  3. Bridget

    The trussed up body tossing into the lagoon theory sounds like the makings of a mystery novel! Hidden in a comforter, even better. 🙂


  4. Dead body. They’re going to toss it into the lagoon when no one is looking.


  5. Susie L

    Boy, that does look like a trussed up body!

    Thanks for taking us along on what looks like a lovely ramble Y!


  6. hungryhungryhippo404

    Hahaha, love the trussed up body! Definitely just the thing to make those tourist photos rather unique! 😛


  7. Can you believe it? I’ve been living here for 34 years and I’ve never seen Pellestrina. Shame on me… 😦


  8. Thank you for the virtual tour!


  9. Now that lovely water tower really is deserving of Rapunzel!
    Great pics as usual, my friend. I’ve already archived them in my “someday” file.


Now let's hear it from you, folks.