The Corte next to mine

These chubby little fellows guard the entry. Now they suddenly have a wild flower keeping them company.



I’ll give them a nod as I walk by with my suitcases this evening.


Filed under Venice

21 responses to “The Corte next to mine

  1. Have a nice journey back home. Looking forward to seeing more of Venice through your eyes.


  2. Caroline

    Interesting stuff, Bert!

    Yvonne, it was an unexpected treat to find this in my inbox this morning! And I haven’t even noticed those flowers 🙂 I wonder where you are now – somewhere over central Asia, I’m guessing. (07.23 Saturday here)


  3. Andrew

    Now you will have time to organise all those photos for our entertainment. Enjoy seeing your cat again. x


  4. Have a safe trip home!!


  5. Andante

    Safe journey and swift return – as we all hope when leaving Venice. Thanks for the really good images and informative and entertaining comments


  6. I am continually amazed where things grow in Venice.
    Safe travels my friend. I join Bert in sobbing at your departure. Wah! No more daily Venice fix for a while.
    But I’m sure as you comb your archives you’ll come up with juicy tidbits to share.


  7. What a great photo. I love the chubby guys and the orange flowers!


  8. Bert

    That could be the stemma of the Marcello family.
    The Pizzochere (or Pizzocare) were unmarried women of high status, who, instead of becoming nuns, could become pizzocare, i.e. Tertiaries or members of the Third Orders of St Francis and St Dominic. They took vows of chastity, followed a rule, and did good works, but lived lived outside the cloister.
    … so I’ve been told.
    [Sob!] You’re leaving! I hope you have (I’m sure you have) enough photos of La Serenissima to keep us all enthralled until your next trip.


    • Thank you so much for the information about the derivation of the name, Bert. The group who are campaigning to ensure all nizioleti are spelled in Venetian, will be wanting the correct spelling returned!


  9. hungryhungryhippo404

    So sweet! 🙂


  10. julie

    Cute. Safe trip hope Yvonne, looking forward to the next time in Venice xx


Now let's hear it from you, folks.