Two for the price of one

Sue sent this to me some time ago, and it has been languishing in the Drafts folder, after being discarded in a shopping trolley. If it is a shopping list with a philosophical bent, it’ll be thinking “Is this all there is to life?”

Sue wrote: I didn’t notice the list in the bottom of my shopping trolley until I was back at the car unloading, and although it was snowing it dried out quickly.

Picking up the list earned me a ticking off from a couple of my offspring. “Mum! With this Corona virus around you shouldn’t be going around picking up bits of paper from shopping trolleys!” It didn’t occur to either of them that my hands had pushed the same trolley that the writer of the list had used!

Perhaps they’re right, but for your interest, a medical spokesman told us yesterday that the virus lives on objects for a few hours only!

Back to the list – I’m not going to say much about this one I’ll leave it to your other readers for now, except to say I can’t make out the first word on the list either. LOR?

Page 1 Trolley Shopping List 28-2-20

Well, dear Sherlock Holmes-like readers, let’s see how you analyse this two faced list.

Page 2 trolley list 28th Feb 2020_0001




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46 responses to “Two for the price of one

  1. I feel like the list is a good start. I could supplement with cheese, tortillas and ginger ale. Then, who knows what’s possible?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Melissa may be right, but I think it says, “LORD! (we NEED) coffee” Or, Lord Of the Rings coffee?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Some excellent sleuths here.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. A list for an isolation. Does he/ she have already enough toilet paper?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. My favourite – “chocolate fingers – lots”

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great list from Sue!
    A person can’t have too many fungi! I really enjoy fungis AND fungals! 😉
    Weirdly, I REALLY like when people check off or cross off what they found/or did. I enjoy writing lists, but I enjoying check off afterwards even more. Ha.
    These days the markets don’t always have everything that we need. 😦
    (((HUGS))) and may everyone be safe as they shop!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I find it satisfying to cross things off, also. If I find that something I need, but not immediately, is not on sale, I’ll circle it, and put it on a new list when I get home. We all have our little quirky ways of doing stuff, eh?

      I’ll send all my fungi to you, shall I???

      Hugs back to you, ❤ xxx

      Liked by 2 people

    • We are all being widely educated, thanks to the list people are sharing. And now that I have looked at that site, I recognise those coffee capsules. As Homer Simpson would say, “Doh”.

      I bet you are aching to get back to Rome, Peter.

      Love to you and your mom. xx


  7. Who wouldn’t want more pesto. More pesto all the time. Maybe the person is hoarding it. It’s a really interesting list. I like the idea that it’s a particular brand of coffee. Lots of these lists name brands and I almost never write a brand on my list. Also, was she picking up cake tins for baking in or is there such a thing as tinned cake? It looks like she wanted a Bundt pan, but decided against. Well, I’ve rattled on…

    Liked by 1 person

  8. To me, the best part about the list is the ‘PTO’ note at the bottom of page 1. The writer has got to be a teacher hooked on mushrooms. It reminds me of question papers faced during examinations in my childhood.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I wonder if the crossed off items are the ones the shopper was able to find on the shelves and the rest weren’t available. I hope they were able to console themselves with the lots of chocolate fingers they bought.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. I found a list in Walmart a while back but it wasn’t mysterious enough to send to you. As soon as I set it down, the owner showed up and claimed it.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Oh, I just realised it has an old screen name from years ago!

    It’s Melissa from Brisbane, I’m just changing my screen name now. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Hi Yvonne!

    The coffee is L’or coffee pods. About the mushrooms, on the first page she is wanting condensed mushroom soup x 4 and on the second page she wanted fresh mushrooms.

    I hope you are well during this crazy time!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, thank you for that. Sue will be very impressed and relieved.

      So far, so good. But, we all wonder how much longer it will last, and if any of our family/friends are going to be affected, healthwise, or economically.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. She must really like mushrooms. And then over the page more mushrooms. But in the end there should be a law that says if you’re going to leave your shopping list in the bottom of a shopping trolley at make it legible.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Melissa solved the great mushroom mystery; one entry was for fresh mushrooms, one for condensed mushroom soup.

      I had and email query about the entry that appears to say ‘more’ pesto. I hope someone tells us that it is actually a brand name, or something simple like that.


  14. Well, we certainly learned a lot more about the virus since a few weeks ago when I first found the list. We now know it lives much longer than a few hours, at least on hard surfaces that cannot absorb. Paper and cardboard not quite as long!

    I’m still puzzled about the kind of coffee the writer was after!
    Thank you so much Yvonne.

    Liked by 1 person

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