The new and the old in Prato

In the wide Piazza San Marco stands an eye catching marble sculpture which was donated to the city by the English artist, Henry Moore. The massive work is made from 30 blocks of marble, chosen by Moore from the Apuane quarries.

Moore titled it most romantically “Square shape with cut”. 

Contrasting with this modern work is a painted crucifix from the 14th century, found in the 13th century church of San Domenico. This crucifix was the work of Lorenzo di Niccolò.

This church is rather huge, as shown by a view from the side.

The bas reliefs that adorned this side of the church have become softly eroded by time and the elements.

And, I might finish with a stemma, also found in Prato.



Filed under Italy

31 responses to “The new and the old in Prato

  1. Thank you for letting us travel with you on your journeys! We enjoy the beauty and the history and the fun!

    I always enjoy the names/titles of works of art! And when we can read of the stories behind the pieces, it is wonderful, too!

    HUGS!!! 🙂
    PS…If we promise to be well behaved, can we keep traveling with you?!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Bridget

    That stemma is beautiful – so are your photos. That blue sky….just gorgeous!
    Still waiting for Spring here in NYC. so very jealous. (well aren’t I always jealous of your travels??) 😉
    Bruce made me laugh! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bruce is a very clever fellow. His blog is worth reading, if you’re into tales with a twist. I’ve gone back right to the origin of his posts and read every one!

      The weather has been kind so far, warm and those Italian blue skies. No doubt it’ll rain just a bit, in April. xx


  3. Yvone you are a great teacher . You give us your discoveries and knowledges . We always learn something ,here about Prato near Florence .
    Thank you
    Love ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning, Michel. I always have to come back and do more research after having a prowl around, there’s always something new to find out! I’m going to Naples soon, I think that’s going to be an exciting city!

      Love to you and the family ❤


  4. Lovely to see you having fun in Venice.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Jane

    comments aren’t coming through…or is this just me?

    Liked by 1 person

    • They were here when I got up this morning, but there has been a problem with the comments for a couple of days. No doubt WP was “fixing” something again!


  6. The more I look at that stemma; the more I saw a female face and a couple of staring eyes fixed firmly upon me.
    I wonder; was this the intent?

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Love the stemma, but not crazy about this particular Moore piece.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’m glad he gave it that name. I don’t have to try to work out what it represents!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I like the Henri Moore. What a splendid gift. Still, we in Australia have the big banana at Coff’s.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Jane

    I love that long line of “avelli” (think sepulchral arches) like at Santa Maria Novella. So sad all those stemma have been softened to unreadable. Thanks for the stemma. I’m guessing a Torregiani family, though some have six pointed starts! I hope someday I will get to spend more time in Prato!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Oh wouldn’t it be just awful to be given a Henry Moore? I mean, what would one do with it? All that could be done would be to toss it out with the Picasso’s.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. The English are so prosaic! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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