Basilica San Marco Venice

We’re all familiar with the appearance of this famous Basilica, thanks to  TV documentaries, newspapers or holiday photos.


Photo sourced online

If you climb the steep stairs to access the museum of the Basilica, and then go out onto the loggia, you’ll be treated to a close up view of some of the intricate details of this place of worship.


What lucky workers were chosen to place the highest of the statues? Did they enjoy their work? Were they paid danger money?

To my knowledge, I’ve never heard this bell ringing. Has anyone else?


At the risk of a very stiff neck, there are a number of mosaics to admire as you walk around the loggia. 


I wonder how many pieces of mosaic are in just this one work? And, who put them all into their proper places? And, why couldn’t they have been put at eye level to save my neck?

Not on the Basilica, but visible from your place of elevation, is this rooftop with a splendid example of an ancient chimney. I know some of you will be able to identify the building that’s under that roof. 



Filed under Architecture

42 responses to “Basilica San Marco Venice

  1. I am speechless when seeing Your gorgeous photos. They cause in me wanderlust to see this.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Have you watched Francesco’s Venice, Yvonne? I’m working through it before I go this time.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I certainly hope that bell is never wrung. I wouldn’t want that poor little statue underneath to get a headache.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I don’t think I’ve ever been up there. Thanks for taking me along. Last time I was in the basilica, we were a bit restricted in where we could go. You basically had to stay on the ramps two foot off the floor. Otherwise you’d be ankle deep in water.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Both times I was in Venice, the basilica was covered in scaffolding 😦

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  6. It’s such a beauty. When we were in Venice it was being renovated. Is that the right word? Restored perhaps. I can definitely understand the stiff neck!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love beautiful mosaics and marvel at the patience required to piece all those little tiles. How beautiful.

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  8. It’s nice to see something other than the usual parts of San Marco. Good for you for climbing those stairs. Otherwise, I’d have never seen those statues…

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Beautiful and I’m guessing there was no “danger pay” in those days.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. wonderful post – and I also wonder about mosaic tiles – like in New York subway waiting areas – and laughed when you suggested they lower them to prevent the neck strain- how fun – …


  11. Grazie, Yvonne. I needed a good dose of Venetian blue. I’m sure someone has the answers to the questions you pose…but not me. But I do have a reasonably priced plane ticket for March!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. It is definitely a wonderful ‘place of worship’ but I wonder how much of the gold was stolen from the new colonies in South America. But in spite of that there seems to be nothing that can stand in the way of dedicated craftsman when in comes to creating a beautiful building.

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