
These donkeys were part of the scene at the Herberton Village museum. They didn’t have much to do, except look docile and cute.

This nice little fellow got to pat them, and sit on the white one. I like to think that this may have been the start of a lifelong love for donkeys.

Herberton May 2014 032

Herberton May 2014 103

Herberton May 2014 104


Filed under Australia

29 responses to “Donkeys

  1. I just had a vision of a donkey in slippers plodding over a bridge only being totally unable to get his (or her) load down a narrow calle.:-(
    So much for my idea of moving goods in Venice. Guess we have to continue to rely on men (and small boys) with trolleys.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. They really are so very cute. When we were cycling in Tuscany one of the places we stayed had a donkey and I loved visiting and taking his photo. Love the big eyes. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I know that their are islands in the Mediterranean that still use donkeys to haul all kinds of goods, including washing machines.
    I wonder if they could clip clop over the bridges of Venice!


  4. Donkeys are helpful in this part of the world. years ago everyone took donkey trips to the mountains. Now the roads are better. I think I’d prefer the donkey. Cute story and pics Yvonne. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • They seem to be such patient little fellows. I guess they’re still in use in some parts of the world.

      The next time I go to Pioneer Museum, I’ll ask the fellow more about his donkeys.


      • I’m sure you’ll go back to a wonderful place like that. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        • Some people from interstate bought it when they retired. They have put so much love (and money) into developing it. I recently read they have opened a few more restored cottages, so it’s no doubt time for another visit.


        • Interstate means from another state, in this case Victoria, to the south of Australia. They were up here for a holiday, saw the run-down pioneer village, talked it over and bought it, thank goodness.

          I think they would love to meet Old Edna and see that village, and vice versa. Thank goodness people take care of these treasures, eh?

          Liked by 1 person

          • That is wonderful that they decided to restore something old and make it new and usable again. I saw a powerpoint once of all the huge throw away sights around the world of places that just weren’t profitable or no longer used for what they were intended. It was horrifying the mess it left! 😦

            Liked by 1 person

  5. joanneh

    Did you know Donkeys are also excellent teachers? I had one for years I used to halter break and teach colts to learn to stand and wait when tied without fighting it. Simple snap short lead between donkey’s halter and colts and they had to go where donkey wanted to go, drink when he drank etc etc etc. If a colt was really stupid and fighting it and some are mine would simply sit on his haunch till the colt stopped jigging around.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love donkeys. They’re so dorky but don’t care.
    I got to ride one once into the Valley of the Kings. True story.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. They are very cute… I’d love to ride one of those for a little promenade!.
    Sending you all my best wishes Yvonne. Happy week ahead!. Aquileana 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I searched YouTube and couldn’t find a video of you galloping off into the sunset on a donkey Yvonne :/

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I wish I could have a donkey with me, they’re such noble companions… 🙂


  10. They were lovely. I envied the little boy, of course.


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