An easy day trip from Venice

People sometimes ask about day trips from Venice. One suggestion is Vicenza, about 45 minutes by train from Venice.

This is the Tempio San Lorenzo. The lower part of the facade comprises eight walled arches dating back to the 1300’s, whilst the upper part is crowned by small blind arches and a rose window.

Tempio San Lorenzo Vicenza-


The large central door has a sculpture of the Madonna and Child above it.  


You will also be able to find the medieval Tempio di S. Corona. The prolific architect Palladio (think Palladian villas, numerous palazzi and churches, including San Giorgio Maggiore and the Redentore in Venice) was buried here. However, since the nineteenth century his tomb has been located in the Cimitero Maggiore of Vicenza.



Fragments of a fresco.


The lion of San Marco is seen here, as well as in Venice.


Public art …


An attractive, flamboyant finestra (window)


There’s ever so much more to see as you stroll the streets of the historical centre. You’ll just have to go and discover more for yourselves.


Filed under Italy

18 responses to “An easy day trip from Venice

  1. Very nice post. I love the old fresco photo very much. It is full of history.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Can’ wait. We are chomping at the bit. It is still 20c in Venice. I have Venice on my IPhone weather App.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I would just love to go to Italy. These photos are gorgeous 🙂


  4. Ah, something else for my ever growing list.


  5. Hmm. I wonder if we could cram this in on our return ‘transit day’ before we fly home. I shall consult the oracle.


  6. Nice shots of the city. Many people go to Venice and they do not know all the nice cities and towns around. This is a great example.


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