It’s Monday, therefore time for some culture

I just came back from a glorious 3 days in Florence, where I met the lovely wife and beautiful little daughter of my friend Francesco.

Florence turned on sparkling weather, and I wore out plenty of shoe leather ( or what ever my soles are made from), seeking out the many cultural locations this city has to offer.

I need to share some of my newfound knowledge and observations with you. I hope you won’t be bored by the first of several posts that will feature Florence.

Such as:

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17 responses to “It’s Monday, therefore time for some culture

  1. Pingback: The Common Man, Florence | Hello World

  2. Adorable! How could anything in Florence be bad? Florence may be my favorite city anywhere. It is amazing. Enjoy your time there. 🙂


  3. Signs of the times 😉 Great to see something different. xox


  4. julie

    Love them !! hope you had a good visit ! Lets hope that sun stays out x see you soon


  5. Hi, all. See, culture can be painless!

    Today in Venice was sunny, but with a cool wind. NO rain, hurray!


  6. elizabeth davidson

    you can take me anywhere as this winter seems to have no end! Whatever and where ever you are is much more fun!


  7. I usually hate to see signs defaced, but these were funny.


  8. Of course. It’s Florence. (I’ll be on the look out for those fabulous signs!)


  9. hungryhungryhippo404

    Haha love it!


Now let's hear it from you, folks.