The homesick blues

Can you recall when you were a child, that first separation from your parents, home, siblings? Your whole body seemed to yearn to be back there, not here at some camp with a bunch of strangers, different food, different routine.

You weren’t consoled until you did return to that safe, beloved place.

Now, we are adults, and our yearning might have a different target.

Here is the place I miss.

Where is yours?


Filed under Venice

33 responses to “The homesick blues

  1. It’s so nice to see all of you, besotted with Venice, like I am! I just spent the month of October there and am happy to report that it didn’t take long for my daughter to understand the obsession and become one of us! Yes, I think Venice yearns for us too! And I came back to California rejuvenated!


  2. So do I, Susie, not only to see Venice, but to see all you nice people again.


  3. Yes, another member of the Venice Obsessives Society reporting for duty!

    It was so great to see Christy in San Fran, next time Venezia!

    68 days for me. Wish you were coming sooner Bella.


  4. Yes, indeed, time does fly. I’m living proof and Yvonne and everyone else will be too.
    Waiting is the pits, though.


  5. Yvonne, be patient! Time flies….


  6. Brian

    I’m down to 239 days. Venice is waiting for you, Yvonne.


  7. I remember when my count was in triple digits…and now I’m down to 42 days, 12 hours 28 minutes. Glad to know I’m not the only Venice fanatic counting the days, hours and minutes. And the minute I get back here the next countdown will begin.


  8. Hi, Rob. That does seem like a long time to wait, Rob. Keep busy, do good works! 🙂


  9. Rob C

    Yvonne, don’t tease, We’ve got 75 days, 15 hours and 50 minutes until we’re in Venice again.


  10. You and Susie both look so good! I’ll tell you what, I sure as heck wish I was going to be there when the ‘Usual Suspects’ land in town. Oh, well, have a spritz for me (or prosecco, perhaps). Ciao, ciao bella. Baseti (Venetian for baci)


  11. Christy

    Ciao, Yvonne. Two weeks tomorrow we should be up in the air on our way to bella Venezia!!!!!!! Can you tell I am getting excited. Having lunch with Susie today made it even more exciting – just to think that the next time I see her will be there!

    I’ll miss seeing you, though.

    Baci, cara.


  12. Barb

    Awww, Yvonne! I saw that exact view today and immediately thought of you. All those wonderful things you are missing will be awaiting your return. But I know the feeling. Sometimes the days just move much too slowly!


  13. JoanneH

    Hi: just returned from Venice found some of the lovely spots you had posted photos of, however if I never hear about another lost purse, ticket, pass, or whatever I can live a happy life. I do wonder how some people get out of bed in the morning. Venice was lovely usual self, strikes, small Aqua A. for added flavor, 4 huge cruise ships with it’s massive hoards, prices seemed to have jumped since July or perhaps it was just me.
    Glad to be home my favorite place


  14. “And all we can do is call things and let them come to us with their tales.
    Call them to prevent them from becoming so alien that they’ll be leaving, each one on its own, in the different directions of the universe, leaving us here, incapable to understand a trace to map by.
    I call the things to keep them with me to the last”
    (G. Celati, Verso la foce, Milan, Feltrinelli, 1989, translated).


  15. Ah, Venice, my beloved….only 44 days, 22 hours and 44 minutes for me….but who is counting?
    I want you to post that picture of you on Attila’s thrown with a crown on your head.


    • If Sono comes up with an appropriate crown and ermine lined cape, I’ll happily post a photo.

      Hey … you’re clock watching, big time!


      • Sono D. Chicago

        Wait a minute, I have to supply the headgear AND the cape?

        Wikipedia says: “the ceremonial robes of members of the UK House of Lords and the academic hoods of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge are traditionally trimmed with ermine, although in practice rabbit or fake fur is now often used instead due to expense and/or animal rights issues.” So if fake fur is good enough for the House of Lords, I think it should be good enough for the Homecoming Queen of Torcello.

        And I’m pretty sure I can find an appropriate crown at the Burger King in downtown Milan.

        Since you don’t mention it, I assume you’ll provide your own scepter.


      • Sono, dear FS, I am totally speechless. Totally. Fake fur??? Burger King crown?? My own scepter?? Next, I’ll have to provide my own orb, I suppose. Have you no shame, lad?


  16. May I please sit in Attila’s throne for your lovingly bestowed crowning? Thank you, FS, you are such a comfort, as always.


  17. Sono D. Chicago

    Shoot, Melissa beat me to it!

    Still, it’s a bit confusing. Are you specifying Torcello, or the whole crazy lagoon in general?

    If it’s any consolation, history suggests it will still be there when you return. It always has been so far. And then you can be Homecoming Queen of Torcello. I will gladly volunteer to personally “crown” you. Literally or metaphorically (ouch).


  18. Hey, we could turn this into a movie, right?


  19. Melissa

    A blue lagoon pole? lol


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