Looking up, once more

What a clear blue sky

Where in Venice did I take this? (I can’t recall.)


Filed under Venice

12 responses to “Looking up, once more

  1. And, you can bet I’ll be checking on the ones in the Arsenale, Bert. I do believe the America’s Cup World Series will be on when I’m next there, so parts of the Arsenale should be accessible.


  2. Bert

    AnnaLivia is right, Yvonne. It was one of several photos I failed to take for one reason or another. I bet the clock and bell in the Arsenale are very similar.


  3. Michelle

    I have never seen another sky quite the same shade of blue I see in Venice. Maybe because I’m looking with my “Venetian” glasses. No, I haven’t purchased glasses in Venice, yet…maybe this trip.
    107 days….not that I’m counting.


  4. I took a picture of the bell and the clock, they are located next to the San Marcuola church in Cannaregio near the palazzo Memmo.


    • Now, I have to look in 2 places, AnnaLivia. Gee, that will be so hard to do! Thank you for your alternative answer. (I’m putting a sticky-note in my planning notebook right now.)


  5. Bert

    This must be what they mean when they talk about “blue sky thinking”!
    In case you had forgotten where it was (but I bet you took lots more at the same church), it was the top of the campanile of Madonna de l’Orto.


  6. Maybe only take one picture a day!

    And, then I lose my photos on Picasa and spend ages looking for the one I just know I have … somewhere. Sigh.


  7. Yvonne…I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes I can only guess the sestiere…but noting the other images surrounding it in my Aperture files. I wish I could come up with a better system.
    Anyone have any good suggestions?


  8. Clock and bell are on a wall inside the Arsenale, near the great crane.


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