Yet another interesting door


Filed under Venice

17 responses to “Yet another interesting door

  1. Melissa

    Yep, Yvonne, it seems it may be time for you to bring out ya knockers again!!! What can I say, it seems we all love ya knockers!


  2. Rob C

    You can just imagine what used to happen when a visitor arrived. The little door would slide back and a big eye would appear with a “Who is it? What do you want?”


  3. What is it about doors that attracts us? I have so many pictures of doors in Europe and Africa. I thinks it’s not just the doors themselves, but the mystery of what might be found behind them.


  4. Michelle

    Tis just lovely!


  5. I really like that little door within the door. Too large for a peephole, but accomplishes the same purpose I assume. Although it is set fairly low in the door, even accounting for the fact that people were generally shorter way back when.

    No old knockers Yvonne? 😉


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