Time for a station break

I’m going to be absent for a few days, see you later. I’ll  leave these little treasures for you.

Get your nice fresh fish here!

Well, let’s check on Google, shall we?

Time out from all those darned tourists.


Filed under Venice

15 responses to “Time for a station break

  1. Melissa

    What is the fish made from?


  2. Other Yvonne

    Just a quick stop at home to do laundry…camping.
    That fish looks like a puffer that has deflated, everything except it’s
    eyes! LOL


  3. Al

    Enjoy your break…but couldn’t you have taken your fish with you? If looks could kill! LOL


  4. Aiee, someone’s pet, perhaps?! Have a lovely bit of time off, bella, whatever you’re up to!


  5. Melissa

    What in God’s name is that first photo????? The jars look like they are filled with anchovies.


  6. Michelle

    Yes, but someone else will have to clean it and cook it and preferably not in my apartment.
    Although I’m not sure I could eat it after looking into those green eyes.


  7. Michelle

    Everyone has to have a break sometime. Although I’ll be going through withdrawal….and will gladly welcome you back.
    You are doing such a lovely job of keeping us entertained and informed.


Now let's hear it from you, folks.