
Imagine just walking along an ordinary street in your home town or city, and seeing a shrine to the Madonna, right there, at the corner.

I wonder who created this simple but beautiful image? How much longer can she last, exposed to the elements?


Filed under Venice

14 responses to “Madonna

  1. How can get mad if I’m mistaken for gorgeous Daniela?


    • Phew, I’m grateful to be forgiven!

      I’m also embarrassed that I didn’t get the location of the pissotta on your blog. Shame on me! 😦

      I like the photo on your home page, very much. Cheers, whoever you are. 🙂


  2. I’m cracking up. I truly appreciate the “Ciao Bella.” It rhymes with Daniela!!!
    Some of my friends call me Danielle because the way Daniel is pronounced in Spanish, but so far nobody had called me Daniela. I may take it as my new nickname.


    • Allora, Daniel of many guises!!! I made yet another of my identity errors! First, I cause troubles for Susie and Mark, and Caroline and Phil. Now you are my target. My abject apologies ( and how I hate doling them out), for mistaking you for the gorgeous Daniela, even after Susie clearly identified you correctly. Do you forgive me? (And, now you know why I thought you should be abed, asleep!)

      Note to self: be more careful with identity theft issues.


  3. Isn’t she lovely. Nice spot by Daniel.


  4. Buona giornata, Daniela. Thank you, I wasn’t sure exactly where in Dorsoduro I had seen that! Ciao, bella.

    PS Now, I see you must still be awake, so I’d better say buona notte. 🙂


  5. Beautifully captured Madonna, next to the Ca’ Rezzonico vaporetto stop.


  6. Michelle

    And people are amazed that I’ve never been in a museum there. Why, when it’s all around you? Although I think I’ll plan the museums into this trip as long as they fit into any rainy days;-)


    • Rob C

      Snap, that’s just how I feel, whilst my wife will happily wander round the Accedemia for a whole day, I’d rather be wandering through the Calles and Cortes themselves.



    • Hi, Michelle and Rob. Even with staying there for long stretches, I did begrudge any time spent away from just wandering. But, this last time, I did get to quite a few of the museums and did enjoy them, in smallish doses. Many of them are rather like the Basilica, just too overwhelming to fully digest what you’re looking at.

      Michelle, keep your eyes open for notices, because sometimes on the last Tuesday (I think) of the month, the Accademia and Ca’ d’Oro are open for free in the evening. That gives you an opportunity for a quick test look.


      • Michelle

        Hmm…last Tuesday will be my first full day in Venice…I think…opps…better check a calendar…oh, I just did and I’ll be there a week before the last Tuesday…so time to recover from the jetlag(that requires open air). I’ll keep my eyes open.


  7. Yvonne…I am always amazed at the history on the walls of Venezia. It is overwhelming….I always feel it’s such a privilege to witness.


    • Hi, Linda. I’m sure we’ve commented on this before, you can’t go a few meters without another wonder right there before your eyes. And, some you’ve walked past before suddenly reveal themselves to you.


Now let's hear it from you, folks.