My magic kitchen window

There has been no further activity on my neighbour’s roof, but the sight and sounds of these beauties (Rainbow Lorikeets), has given me ample pleasure.

They are supping on the nectar of blossoms of Golden Penda trees. They are most welcome to come and dine here any day. There are lots of Ulysses butterflies also, but they’re far too swift to capture anywhere but in my mind’s eye.


Filed under Atherton, Australia

27 responses to “My magic kitchen window

  1. Michelle

    185 for me! Yippee!!!!!


  2. Other Yvonne

    Thanks to the update service I now know the scoop on the poop!!


  3. Sono D. Chicago

    Is their poop as beautifully variegated as their plumage?


    • Hi, FS. Trust you to come up with the intelligent, incisive question. I shan’t rest easy until I get the answer for you! Cheers. 🙂


      • Sono D. Chicago

        Well, at least I have the courtesy to wait for the first rush of comments to subside before letting my curiosity run rampant.

        I don’t know when I’ll have an opportunity to investigate in person (or are you hinting that you’ve finally bought those airline tickets for me?!). In the meantime, we will all have to rely on your own evidence-gathering skills.


      • Hold everything there, FS. Nowhere is it written that I’ve bought airline tickets for you, even though you are the Prodigal.

        I can now report that their poop is a glory to behold (but not to be held), a veritable rainbow of … grey and white! Also, 🙂


  4. What a gorgeous bird! I agree, you are lucky to have him in your yard.

    I thought you might enjoy this post on “Animals in Venice.”


  5. You’d really like this area then, Susie, and I wouldn’t even make you wash the dishes.


    • I actually enjoy washing dishes! My only requirement is a kitchen window to look out of.

      The National Geographic Society filmed a show on parrots years ago. One of the segments was about the Rainbow Lorikeets, these were in NZ I believe. The naughty birds were stripping rubber gaskets out of car windows! As naughty as they were, they were incredibly charming and smart. You lucky girl!


  6. You made my day Yvonne, I am an avid bird watcher when not dreaming of Venice!

    How wonderful to view these marvelous creatures right outside your window!


  7. Al

    Love the cheeky, but very noisy lorikeets…I get them outside my window from time to time depending on what is flowering….other than that they just fly around all over the place, screeching as they go!


  8. Don’t ever forget, the house swap deal will always be open, Caroline.


  9. Caroline

    Gosh, Yvonne, you really seem to live in Paradise! Lucky you!


  10. Joanne Hoefer

    I loved the birds I saw in Australia so colorful and free


  11. Other Yvonne

    Oh my, Yvonne!!! your not in Kansas (or Sask) anymore.
    Though the rooftop is entertaining, this is a treat for a gal from the land of beige prairies. I’m “green” with envy.


  12. Michelle

    Ah, what beauties to view out the window!


  13. irina

    Yvonne, why did your parrot run away from you? Did you feed him with polenta?


Now let's hear it from you, folks.