Reminders of the past and a modern shame

I haven’t seen many of these around. They are rusted remnants of door bell pulls, from the days before electricity.

Old bell pulls


As long as this bridge exists, we’ll know who made it.

And, where it was made.

Last night, Venice was under attack once again, by barbarians. They brought the battle right to the door of the Ducal Palace.

And here is where they chose to leave their message. Maybe the city fathers will sit up and pay attention to the ugly graffiti now.

Ducal Palace

This note was on a bag of rubbish left in the wrong place, but it expresses very nicely what those graffiti barbarians are.

And finally, found in a nice neighbourhood …


Filed under Venice

14 responses to “Reminders of the past and a modern shame

  1. Brian

    That’s it, Yvonne. And, no, I don’t speak German so I produced that the same way you translated it. 😉
    If I get an extended time in Venice I’d like to volunteer to help out.


  2. That pissotta looks like a mushroom!

    I bet that graffiti will be gone soon. I read somewhere that Venice’s entire anti-graffiti budget goes to keeping the San Marco area clean and there’s no money left to take care of the rest of the city.


    • Annie, which Saint is that, looking over our funghi pissotta?

      A group of concerned Venetians went out again last night and covered some graffiti, including one at the Campo SS Apostoli.


  3. Michelle

    Unfortunately there is senseless, pointless graffiti everywhere. You would hope the beauty of Venice (or Paris or anywhere else) would stop them but they are like very bad dogs…marking their territory. Thank the Lord (and the Venetians) for the pissotti or they really would be “marking” their territory.
    Good idea Brian.


  4. Brian, Bing translator reads that as “Why are you defacing”. Is that close enough? There is so much ugly, pointless graffiti in this most beautiful of cities. Sad, sad.


  5. Brian

    I’d like to draw on a piece of paper the same design with the words “Warum sind Sie Verunstaltung?” Then put a piece of tape on the back and place it next to that spray painted mess and then photograph it and put it on the web. Then take it down. Take that!


  6. Darlene, I’ve been slack with the pissotte, I was supposed to post one each day.


  7. Love the bell pulls. I notice you always manage to sneak in a pissotta!


  8. Bert

    I can direct you to a couple of working bell pulls – Castello 5153 – near the Palazzo Cavagnis.
    Fancy going to the trouble of making a stencil for your graffiti! [I know that Banksy does it.] It’s in German: ‘Warum die uns schlachten’. There is a great word in German for ‘graffiti’ – Wandschmierereien. Why come to Venice to write German graffiti? The world’s gone mad!
    It’s a shame to think what might happen right next to that capitello if that pissotta weren’t there.


  9. Michelle

    Barbarians indeed, my last visit I had a run in with one who was insisting on smoking under the no smoking sign on the vaporetto. The “idioti” spoke English so I know he understood what I was saying.

    You do find some of the most interesting antiquities.

    Mailing another postcard today.


Now let's hear it from you, folks.