Indulge me, again!

I’ve now cracked the 100 days barrier, until I can return to Venice.

Here is something I love, and miss, in that city.



Filed under beverages, People, spritz, Venice

10 responses to “Indulge me, again!

  1. I’m homesick now!


  2. MaryK

    Isn’t it wonderful the day the great Venice countdown drops into double digits….
    We’ve 119 to go (but really I’m not counting – we’ll only occasionally)


  3. These addictions take their toll, Andrew. But, never, ever go cold turkey! 🙂


  4. Andrew

    We bought a dvd called Canaletto’s Venice from that free musical instruments exhibition. They have slightly animated the paintings and have sounds of Venice in the background. Sounds tacky but the noises give us a Venice fix occasionally.


  5. djones47

    I think you love and miss everything about that city.


  6. Michelle

    Grazie, bella.
    It made morning bells and a coffee for me.


    • Don’t you love the sound of those bells? That campo is really a beehive most of the day, and far into the night, with the Uni students. The people who live there might not find that so charming.


Now let's hear it from you, folks.