If you go to Bassano del Grappa

You might order some of these tortellini for your lunch, in Piazza Garibaldi.


What sauce will you choose?


Filed under Bassano del Grappa, Food

6 responses to “If you go to Bassano del Grappa

  1. Andrew, that sounds like a darn good use for grappa. It’s sure not to eveyone’s taste.


  2. Andrew

    I really don’t like grappa. We were given a bottle by a Venetian lady in which I macerated cherries. The resulting cherry ‘brandy’ was much more acceptable and the cherries were dipped in chocolate. Mmmm.


  3. And, I heard a rumor that Hugh has taken a day job as a waiter at that ristorante! Is your bag packed? 🙂


  4. I really need dinner! It won’t be anything like this, unfortunately. I’d have to go for something cheesy/creamy. With a glass of red.


  5. OK! Good choices. Then, ask the waitress to recommend the best grappa to have with your espresso.


  6. Andrew

    Don’t they look pretty. I’d like tomato please and my wife will have gorgonzola.


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